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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Glass Houses

Two steps forward, one step back . . .: "More concerning, he writes, is the religious right's lack of concern for social issues such as poverty and racial justice, on top of 'the appeals of the movement's leaders to affluent self-interest over biblical imperatives. How did tax cuts for the rich become a religious imperative? Those blatant hypocrisies of the religious Right are becoming more and more evident, especially to a new generation of evangelical Christians.' This new generation of evangelicals will be in good company with the gay community, who long ago caught on to the right's penchant for not practicing what it purports to preach. Alan Keyes, the conservative right-wing Catholic and perennial political candidate, is the latest high-profile example. Keyes recently tossed his 19-year-old college-bound daughter Maya from the family fold after she came out publicly as a lesbian. While Keyes often complains that the 'homosexual agenda' is destroying the traditional family, it's clear from his own example that it is actually homophobia that is tearing apart many families."
A hat tip to TVLampBoy who sent me this one. I have been much absent from my blog recently. I realize this doesn't impact many people ;-), but know that I don't expect I'll give up on this mode of self-expression. I have been very busy with work and my spare time has been spent learning about a community that has stood at the forefront of religious tolerance for many years. The Unitarian Universalist Church is more of a glass house than the one in which Mr. Keyes lives, but it seems the UUs do not throw stones. In developing a community that is non-creedal, Unitarian Universalists have developed the ability to be kind rather than right, to be accepting of others regardless of their beliefs. It is a challenging community, however, in that you do have to figure out what you believe without recourse to definitive statements from anyone. I'm rather impressed, as you can tell.

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