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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Propaganda: Administration Paid Commentator

Administration Paid Commentator (washingtonpost.com): "The Education Department paid commentator Armstrong Williams $241,000 to help promote President Bush's No Child Left Behind law on the air, an arrangement that Williams acknowledged yesterday involved 'bad judgment' on his part. … The [Education Department] already has paid Ketchum [Inc., a public relations firm,] $700,000 to rate journalists on how positively or negatively they report on No Child Left Behind, and to produce a video release on the law that was used by some television stations as if it were real news.
Concerning the payment by the Education Department, this is hardly how I want to see my tax dollars at work. Is this moral values again? Concerning Mr. Williams' acknowledgement, DUH! As much as I loathe the huge expense of an investigation, I must concur with this editorial.

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